This August, Prospect High School seniors will begin an elective class they have heard about since they were freshmen... World Religions. In John Camardella's course, students learn to recognize their own "situated perspectives", and identify how religions are internally diverse, culturally embedded, and change over time. John recently became an Education Fellow at the Religious Literacy Project at Harvard Divinity School and he and the team are working hard to improve the way religion is addressed in academic settings across the country.A lack of understanding about the ways religion functions in human experience can lead to stereotypes and prevent cooperative endeavors in local, national and global arenas. On the flip side, a more nuanced understanding of religion can provide students with the language and tools to recognize how religion is functioning in a given cultural or historical context. This approach offers fresh insights to modern day challenges and provides opportunities for students to address and transform their worlds in constructive ways.
"As educators in public schools, we need to do a better job of equipping them with the language and the skills not to know the answers to every question, but to know how to critically ask the questions in a respectful way."
- John Camardella

This Fall, principal photography will begin filming in John's classroom, and we are looking for help with funding. Principal photography will follow a cohort of students from the first day of their senior year all the way up to graduation where we hope to reveal a passion for learning that will launch these students into the next stage of their lives. We hope you will consider supporting our endeavor.

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